Take a Gamble on the Creative

do something great.png

Maple Street has heard that at Media Central’s recent AUDIOlogy talks, there was a call for radio advertisers to embrace the possibilities presented by new technologies and improve upon creativity. Well, at Maple Street we already are. Following our ground-breaking creative with the British Heart Foundation and Amazon Alexa last year, we’ve recently finished working on a series of ads for PlayOjo, featuring the voice talents of Martin Trenaman and Gerard Fletcher. If agencies can win the trust of good clients, then the opportunities to raise the bar are there.

PlayOjo - Obstacle Course

Smart Speakers... Smart Thinking

Mastercard gets it, why doesn’t your brand? On all our campaigns at Maple Street we discuss the importance of audio branding with our clients, yet still a generally recognised figure within the industry is that only 17% of companies have brand guidelines for a sonic identity, as opposed to 86% for visual strategies. As advertisers seek new ways to interact via new technologies, it’s clear that sound will have a much larger part to play when it comes to brand recognition, particularly when you also consider mobile screens are getting smaller again. One CMO leading the way is Raja Rajamannar. Following on from the move to symbol-only logo, Mastercard has now added sonic branding to augment consumers sensory relationship with the brand. Smart stuff.

Consolidate to Accumulate

No prizes for guessing the biggest news of the week, Global’s decision to network the Heart, Smooth, and Capital Breakfast Shows, with the latter going national as early as April 8th. The figures and facts have all been detailed in the Radioworks blog but it would be strange for us to not pass comment on a story of such enormity. With the Global Awards fast approaching Maple Street is relieved to see that Paul Gambaccini is not in line to present anything. After the BBC announced massive job cuts in 2012, Gambo hosted the Sonys that year with the opening line, ‘Enjoy the night…15% of you won’t be here next year!’

‘Rift’ Recording with Aaron Attenborough

A more palatable topic of conversation is free money…Maple Street Creative has just delivered two more ads for refund specialists, Rift and with the end of the tax year fast approaching you’d be mad not to listen to Aaron Page’s great delivery. It’ll reimburse you for reading this far at least.

Rift - Planet Earth

‘Showy with Zoe’

Finally, we’d like to introduce you to a new slot in the monthly newsletter that we have provisionally titled, Showy with the Zoe, where we profile our favourite Zoe’s who have recently been in to the Maple Street Studios. First up is Zoë Wanamaker.