Never Mind The B-Word…It’s All About The C-Word

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Brexit, I’m told, is becoming something that people are fed-up of hearing about…really? When it can have such an enormous impact on your business? Despite it being thirty-four months and counting since the referendum, I still find myself seeking out the latest news, and my wife will testify that it’s not a good idea to ask my thoughts on the matter if you’re someone whose largely ambivalent to the outcome. Someone else with prominent views is Media Consultant, Duncan Tickell (left), whose urged politicians to consider the economic consequences of their actions – or rather lack of action – and get behind one of Britain’s most valuable assets, the Creative industry.


Duncan was talking to Adam Hopkinson for a new podcast called Let’s Do The Right Thing, created to shine an illuminating light on life after advertising. The series starts later this month and future guests include Jonathan Durden, Amy Williams, Cadi Jones, Kathleen Saxton, and Mike Anderson. Watch this space for more controversy…or lack of controversy, depending on your views.

Blood On The Tracks… And In The Studio


Last month it was Showy with the Zoe…this month we present Lolling with the Colin…

It was lovely to welcome back the Shooting Shark production team for another series of Blood on the Tracks for the BBC Sounds thing. Great music and much hilarity are guaranteed in every episode and it’s a fantastic vehicle for Colin Murray, who’s brilliant at disarmingly bringing out the inner voice of his guests. The new shows go out next month and there are plenty online to keep you going until then.

Never Mind The Length, Feel The Quality

One of the nice things about working with agencies is that because you deal with the same people on a regular basis, you’re able to build in a level of trust and reliability. We were the beneficiaries of such a relationship this month when we got to work on a sixty second ad for the wonderful musical Dear Evan Hansen. The multi-award-winning show from the song-writers behind The Greatest Showman comes to the West End later this year and to be able to produce something where the great content spoke for itself was a joy. Also note, the good work of voice-over, John Calvert.

A New Look For Some Familiar Sounds


Another highlight of recent weeks has been the relaunch of Maple Street Voices. As the preferred talent pool for the UK's largest independent radio and digital audio advertising agency, its vitally important that we can offer our clients not only some exceptional voices, but also a diverse range of style and tone. You can browse the talent at and if you’d like to send us a showreel please contact:

To Begin At The Beginning. Then A New Beginning…Then Another…

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, the people of the Miami Ad School have taken the ‘all weaknesses are strengths’ adage to a new level by turning a cliché in to a great and original idea. The common held notion that all copywriters have attempted, at one stage or another to write a novel, was put to the test with the institute inviting first chapters from all over the globe. The intention being that any profits would go in to a scholarship for future failed novelists…I mean future copywriters. With the pledge fund having reached its goal, the book is set for publication in the summer. Whether the 60% of those in Maple Street who’ve attempted a novel have sent their first chapters in will have to remain a mystery until then.